The Melton's

Invest and Impact

Monday, July 2, 2007

Colors in the HoUsE!!!!!!

I actually took pictures today after I primed a wall in the entry way.
Here's the color in living room and entry way...

If you can see well, that is the kind of texture that I did in the kitchen. I have primed it, now it is waiting for Chad to come home and paint it!

Here is the color that will be in the kitchen. It will be the darker color. But....does it look ok next to the green color? Give me your opinion and let me know if the 2 colors look ok. Or should I try and do a lighter color.

Here's the rug that we are going to buy. It will be in the living room and we'll pull those colors through the kitchen.

Let me know what you think.
Thanks Emily for reminding me to take pictures! Now you have to come help paint....or just come to Texas!
