Head Coach Update
Our lives the past 2 weeks have been crazy! Changes, experiences, and adjustments have all taken place. But things are good overall.
Tuesday was the first game as head coach. We played Abilene Cooper and fought hard but lost in the end. I was very proud of the girls for fighting hard the whole time.
We left Thursday morning for San Antonio for a tournament. We played Brooks Academy and won. Then today we played NBCA and won again. Much improvement has taken place since Tuesday night. We are getting better and better. Overall our game has improved everytime we have played. Tomorrow we play at 1:30 and then we play again after that depending on the outcome of the game.
It was been a relaxing trip. I have seen Chad and Heather. They have been to the games and they ate dinner with us at Chick-Fil-A. They even bought Kevin Wallum and I Krispy Kream donuts! Mmmm good! I'm glad they have come since we won't see them Thanksgiving or Christmas. I'll see them again before we leave so that is good!
Since this whole head coaching thing, I haven't see much of my husband lately. Getting away and coming to this tournament was great because I do get to get away from EVERYTHING, but I do wish Chad could have come.
Through this pretty big change and adjustment in our lives I will say that Chad has been amazing! I started to pick out my clothes on Monday night for the first game as head coach and he brought in some clothes that he had bought for me. He has been patient, supportive, caring, and encouraging through all this.
Overall things are good. Busy but good!
Oh yea....Heather took some pictures of the girls tonight so when I get them I'll put some on here.
Until the next tournament updates......peace, love and hair gel!