Blessed Beyond Belief
The last 2 weeks have been down right amazing.
So often in my life, I overlook the blessings that are all around me. My car broke down 1 mile south of Miles, TX and we were blessed by a family to let us borrow their car for 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS! That's along time in my world to let someone borrow a car. Then they drove half way to meet us and switch cars. That moment that we got to talk was a blessing in itself. When Chad and got back in the car and headed home, Chad looked at me (while driving) and said, "Let's pray and just thank the Lord for the blessings." We were completely overwhelmed by how often we don't realize all the blessings that we receive.
The whole month of April Chad talked about with the youth at church What Not To Wear. He took a spin off TLC's show and used Colossians 3 to help the students what we as christians should be wearing. So many times we wear anger, jealously, bitterness and the list goes on and on. We looked at some the "church" words in this passage and really broke down what lust, sexual immorality, and idolatry really means. We also discussed putting on love and what that looks like for a student last week. Chad then handed everyone an envelope with 5 bucks in it and challenged the students to truly put on love and serve someone. Look for someone that needs to be loved or helped and then do it. Overall the month of April has made me more aware of how to put on love and how many people put on love for me. That there are people that have blessed my life and I never realized it till now. I wish I would have been keeping a running list of all the blessings in my life. That is proof that there is one God!
I want to constantly be putting on love.