VBS and GA Camp
Since school has been out it seems like I have gone NON-STOP for 3 weeks. I had basketball camp, VBS, and then GA camp. It has been CRAZY but tons of fun!
I ended up being a 1st grade director for VBS. This all happen the week of finals in May. But because of vacation and basketball camp I really didn't have a lot of time to get ready for it. It all worked out though. It was a crazy week though! We had 30 1st graders running around like crazy.
I got bit by a first grade boy! It was insane! I didn't even deserve it either! That's what is really bad!
I had 3 high school girls that helped and were AMAZING! They did awesome loving Jesus on the kids. We had kids that had never been in church before and we had kids that had grown up in church. All 30 were from completely different backgrounds. All 30 needed love and attention. Most of the kids had a some hard home lives. One little boy, told me that he really missed his dad. "Why?" I asked. He said that his mom and dad got a divorce and now his dad lives in Florida. He didn't make it for his birthday and he wasn't sure if he would even see him during Christmas. Tears started forming in his little eyes. At this point, my eyes got watery too. I told him my parents got a divorce too but it was all going to be ok. He talked about how much he missed his dad and just wanted to see him. He said that his dad never calls or anything. He kept saying, "I just would like to talk to him." My heart broke. It was moments like this that I had with first graders all week. Some would totally let me on their lives. One little girl really and truly started walking home because she wasn't getting any attention. She really REALLY was walking home, like on the street headed home! Not looking back headed home.
It was a good week but at moments it was hard. I saw God move in the lives of 1st graders and that was pretty sweet to be apart of!
Then this past week, we headed out to Circle 6 Camp. There were about 300 1st-6th grade girls attending GEM (Girls Exploring Missions aka GA) Camp. Chad and several guys lead worship for them.
I was the cute wife that ran the sound system, did the powerpoint, took pictures, and anything else they asked me to do. I got to speak to the 6th graders one night. That was pretty exciting! One of the most amazing sounds happened this week when 300 little girls sang "How Great is Our God." It was the most incredible sound I have ever heard. Chad and the guys did a great job! The girls loved them! They were asking for autographs and it was funny! Paul Brand and his family came! So those three kids were my entertainment for the week! We had a great week but it was nice coming home and sleeping in a real bed!
This week for me is pretty calm. Ashley Walker is flying in on Wednesday. I'm hanging out with her. I'll work a couple of days at the pool but nothing too hard!